Natural and Powerful Ingredients for Your Skin Care Ritual   

Many people may not realize that their favorite skin care products may significantly contribute to the worsening of their skin condition. This is because a majority of them comprise ingredients such as toxins and chemicals that may not necessarily be favorable for your skin. The fact is, store-bought skin care products are often packed with fragrances, stabilizers, and preservatives that can be absorbed through the skin pores. To maintain a good skin care ritual, ensure that your skin products have the following natural and powerful ingredients:

  • Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a versatile skin ingredient that is known for its ability to strengthen underlying epidermal tissues, the removal of dead skin cells and protection from sunburns. It contains antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and antiviral properties. According to research, coconut oil is also strong enough to fight chronic skin diseases including atopic dermatitis. It is crucial for optimal skin health.

  • Tea-tree oil

  • Tea tree oil is an ingredient that has been in existence for hundreds of years. Commonly found in Australia, it is used for fighting skin redness, breakouts, and inflammation. It is a well-tolerated ingredient among people and does not come with any dangerous side effects. Tea tree oil works as an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antimicrobial agent. It is exactly what your skin needs!
  • Apple cider vinegar

  • Apple cider vinegar is considered a highly versatile and expensive clearing off any skin problems such as acne. This ingredient is known for its antifungal properties that are highly beneficial for the skin. Apple cider vinegar also contains vitamins like potassium and magnesium, which make it a detoxifying agent.
  • Raw honey

  • This is one of the best natural nutrient sources for vitamins, enzymes, and skin-bathing acids. Raw honey prevents breakouts, moisturizes the skin and comes with an abundance of antiseptic qualities that encourages wound healing. Raw honey is not heated, processed or pasteurized. Therefore, all of its nutrients remain intact.
  • Sea salt

  • Sea salt is often loaded with a ton of nutrients such as calcium magnesium, sodium, and potassium that it absorbs from the sea water where it is produced. These minerals are highly beneficial to the skin. The help to protect, balance and restore the skin. Ensure that your skin products comprise of Celtic sea salt. It comes with anti-inflammatory properties that prevent skin breakouts.
  • Avocado

  • This is an ultra-moisturizing fatty fruit that will certainly do wonders for your skin. It consists of Vitamin A, D, and E which easily penetrates the skin and soothes any sun burn as well as boost the production of collagen. It is ideal for treating age spots. Avocado reduces the inflammation of the skin. It will replenish and rejuvenate your skin in the best way.

Using these natural ingredients is essential in curbing any skin issues. They will play an enormous role is your outer appearance. In addition to building these ingredients into your skin care ritual, eat a healthy diet, exercise and drink water. This way, your skin will always be glowing.