Surgical Dermatology Treatments

Our dermatologic surgery treatments refer to a subspecialty of dermatology that enables us to manage serious skin conditions through surgical procedures. When you undergo these procedures, the layers of your skin or underlying layers of muscle or fat, depending on your condition will be treated. Our physicians are known for routinely performing dermatologic surgery. For instance, they deal with conditions that affect the surface of the skin. The best solution may simply be snipping or shaving them off using a surgical scalpel. These conditions can also be destroyed by the use of a cold spray of liquid nitrogen that is specifically meant for this purpose. Example of common conditions that can be treated by our surgical dermatology treatments include moles, skin tags, age spots or cancerous condition on the upper layers of the skin.

Some of our popular treatments include:

Mohs surgery

This is a specialized form of excisional surgery that is mostly used for skin cancers. There are over 3500 types of cancers that are removed using this technique on a yearly basis in various dermatology clinic including ours!

Plastic surgery

Many of our patients undergo this kind of surgery in our clinic, especially those who have just recently undergone the removal of their skin cancer through Mohs surgery. This surgery is particularly needed for melanoma.

Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic fillers and lip augmentation have become routine procedures. We use them for the treatment of aging skin and sun damage as well as leg veins, acne scars, and other conditions. our patients can count on their safety at all times.